This is the first in a string of 'types' I have found with browsing an online dating site. Everyone knows first impressions are everything, and in the world of online dating, common sense suggests that it applies more so here. How else are the opposite sex (or same sex) going to give you another look if the first one is terrible.
On the Meet Me section, these 'types' are apparent, because you only get the photo, headline, what they're looking for and basic details (age and location), which made it very easy to sort out the first impression catagories. Read and learn guys and girls.
There are two parts to this one.
It's called arrogance.
On the Meet Me section, these 'types' are apparent, because you only get the photo, headline, what they're looking for and basic details (age and location), which made it very easy to sort out the first impression catagories. Read and learn guys and girls.
There are two parts to this one.
It's called arrogance.
PART 1: The 'there's a reason your single and it's apparent from your picture' guys. AKA. Muscle guys.
These are the guys that either have pictures of just their bulging biceps as their display picture, or have their shirts lifted up to show off their "amazing" abs.
Okay guys, we appreciate the view, but really, the amount of times I personally have hit NO straight away because I've seen one of these pictures. If you want to show off what your packing, feel free. Just don't do it on your display picture. Do it on your follow up pictures. Otherwise, it gives off that you think your body is the only thing a girl, or guy is interested in. Never mind personality. Sure, you might be a great guy, but I am not going to look any further if this is all you think I want to see. A picture of you smiling at a webcam or with your friends is nice enough. Is that too much to ask?
Now, I realise I'm aiming this all at men, but I only see their profiles so I can only go by them. I know though, that the guys must get lots of breast and arse action on their Meet Me pages, and ladies, if your looking for a long time boy, your not going to get one with everything hanging out. No judgement, but it's true.
PART 2: The 'is this really going to be a good headline for you?" guys. AKA Words Say It All guys.
Words say it all, and not in a good way. For those not familiar with online dating sites, you get given a headline, which is meant to grab peoples attention but basically just says things about your personality.
These guys are the ones that suggest they're the greatest. My favourite at the moment went as far as to say that women should stop looking now since they'd found him. Needless to say, I carried on. Don't be patronising in these headlines, because sometimes they say more about you than a display picture does. And if there's a lone bicep picture combined with an egotistical headline, and you're looking forward a future mother to your children, you're not going to get very far, are you.
Personally, I've found intentions are a good way to go. Or even a witty joke. My favourite, though silly, is "What do horses eat?"
An ice breaker and a greeting in one. Can't go wrong with that.
Feel free to slam this post btw, opinions are welcome. But don't just have a go for the sake of it. If you disagree D/E/P. Disagree/Explain/Post.
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