Joining me now? Skip back two posts and start from the beginning or your going to think I write jibberish.
I'm just going through categories I've found on a dating site I've joined, so see you in a bit :)
Okay, where we're we. Oh yes, group 2.
I'm just going through categories I've found on a dating site I've joined, so see you in a bit :)
Okay, where we're we. Oh yes, group 2.
Now, today we have a society that does everything online. Makes friends online. Finds future husbands online. Gets medical help online. Improves appearance online.
Photoshopping yourself to make your self look super pore-less and perfectly tanned for your online friends is one thing, but fellas, if you are actually hoping to meet "the one" on these websites, be yourself. Be yourself in your messages, but also in your pictures.
I'm not just going to pick on peoples choices of photographs on this run down of catagories, trust me, and it's not all going to be negative but at the moment, this is what I'm focusing on first, because it's what people everywhere notice first.
Its those first impressions cropping up again.
Don't do this to yourself! Don't put a picture of yourself up, that doesn't look like you, because you're going to cause yourself unnecessary stress. How can you put a perfected picture of yourself out there, get a date and not worry about not living up to what you've provided so far. Save yourself the turmoil. Get a normal, everyday picture of yourself, and just stick it up. That way, you haven't given "viewers" someone your not, and you get to look forward to your date, instead of spending hours putting man pore cream on. And I know some of you do it. And good for you. Just don't do it when you have other things to be nervous about. Like is this person going to be your future? Another thing with putting a normal picture of yourself up, aside from stressing out about living up to it, you'll actually get girls and guys getting in touch because they're interested in the real you, and surely that seems more genuine, than going for a pore-less tanned super man.
Also in this category? Photoshopping yourself into difference scenery to make yourself more interesting. Don't. Because it's obvious and, even if you do trick someone into thinking it's real, you're not exactly going to be compatible are yo?
Example I've seen: A guy photoshopped himself into a snowy mountain scene. Could attract the healthy outdoors type, true, but is that really the best thing when your idea of an adventure is traveling to an away football game, not climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
That's enough for this one. I'm going to mention the good categories next I think or you'll all think I bitch a moan all the time.
I do need to make a point here too. I am not on this website to slate people using it, I am using it for curiosity reasons, this is just something on the side.
Just like last time, feel free to comment and slate, just D/E/P. Disagree/Explain/Post.
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